Category: Uncategorized
Are Falling Metro Vancouver Prices a Sign of What’s Ahead?
Metro Vancouver’s housing market sees rising inventory and declining prices, signaling a possible shift in dynamics. In October 2024, Metro Vancouver reported a 31.9% increase in residential property sales year-over-year.
What’s Ahead for Greater Vancouver’s Housing Market in 2025?
Home prices are expected to rise by 7%, with the average reaching $1,383,501. Strong demand and limited supply will maintain a seller’s market.
Things Homeowners Should Check in Winter
Protect Pipes: Insulate exposed pipes to prevent freezing and bursting during cold weather. Seal Air Leaks: Check windows, doors, and outlets for gaps to save on heating costs.
گزارشهای جدید نشاندهنده پیشرفت برای مستاجران در B.C.
ونکوور ۳۳۷ خانه اجارهای جدید و مقرونبهصرفه افتتاح کرده است که نشاندهنده روندهای مثبت برای مستاجران در B.C. است. گزارشها کاهش اجارهها، حمایت از هزاران نفر از طریق BC Rent Bank و رکورد بالای شروع ساخت خانههای اجارهای را نشان میدهند. واحدهای جدید در River District اولویت را به ساکنان بومی میدهند و انواع اجارهها…
Vancouver’s Housing Growth: 58K New Homes Planned
Vancouver's housing development pipeline now includes 58K new homes in various stages of approval or construction.In the first year of provincial targets, Vancouver completed 4,143 net new homes, falling 26% short.
Early-Q4 Sales in Metro Vancouver up 30% After Rate Cuts
The Bank of Canada’s recent rate cuts boosted Real Estate markets in Metro Vancouver. October home sales in Greater Vancouver ↑ 30%, compared to 2023.
Vancouver Buyers Rebound: Sales Jump 32%
Home sales in Greater Vancouver rose 31.9% in October compared to last year, suggesting a rebound. In October, Greater Vancouver recorded 2,632 sales, only 5.5% below the 10-year average for the month.
Metro Vancouver Buyers to Benefit From Rate Reduction
The BoC has cut its key interest rate significantly to stimulate the economy. This reduction marks the fourth consecutive cut, aligning with falling inflation rates of 1.6%.
Vancouver real estate markets set to normalize in 2025
Vancouver's real estate market is expected to stabilize by 2026, with growing confidence among tenants and investors. The downtown office vacancy rate is projected to approach the historical norm of 7% as no significant new supply is anticipated for four years. While capital investment is returning, residential development land remains challenged, with activity down 75%…
Vancouver Plans 17 New Multi-Family Villages
Vancouver will transform 17 low-density residential areas into Villages, featuring low-rise multi-family housing for increased supply. Each Village, within 400 meters of retail streets, will permit buildings of 3 to 6 storeys.